
Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Now some people are already wondering whether I am about to animate organizations; well you are close to the point but for the better part of it, I am about to show you the sex of your organization so that you can relate that with the drift you have experienced for the better part of the last five to ten years.
Let me begin this way: Men are from Mars, women are from Venus; where are hermaphrodites from? Jupiter?! Organizations and their leaders have for several years (though not all organizations are guilty) been either male or female. Ideally, as I would show you, organizations ought to be hermaphrodite. Males are genetically wired to think logically so they never really care about the soft topics like love and children. Females, on the other hand, are sculpted to behave, think and perceive emotionally; that is why they cry about what happened to someone they don’t even know his name. There are marked differences between males and females in how they think, how they behave and what matters most to them.

For Bosses Only!

If you have people working with you in your organization, you most likely will admit that people are some of the hottest headaches of a boss. You already have the matters of finance, strategy, competition and even marketing to worry about, and here comes the folks who are supposed to ease the burden adding theirs to it. Well I am yet to see any enterprise where personnel management is not a big deal. All the blue-chips and international organizations of this world have personnel problems that are blue-chip and international in rating. So this is the good news: you are not in a peculiar situation.

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SOLO DISASTER: How One Man’s Error Results In National Havoc

Leaders can be imported, and leaders can be exported; but for any entity to experience phenomenal change it must nurture leaders. Help does not come from abroad; it begins within. Nations of Africa must stop looking abroad for national development and social change; instead we should look within and nurture our own leaders. Each time we abdicate our leadership responsibilities to imported “leadership commodities”, we deny ourselves the opportunity to experience deep-seated, exponential and spot-on change. Take a cue from Japan that shut her doors and borders on the rest of the world for twenty years only to look within for all the help, ideas, wisdom, strategies and answers that transformed her into a first world nation after the horrible effects of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It was a time of hardness, denial and great discomfort for the Japanese citizens because nothing was imported and nothing was exported all those years. Whatever they enjoyed or lacked was their own doing, failure to do or refusal to d. they were the architects of their own experience. The results of Japan’s closed door policy: astronomical advancement in technology and manufacturing transforming Japan into a world power and one of the top twenty countries in the world.

Think also of England’s Winston Churchill who stood to rebuff Adolf Hitler and his Nazi militia on their communist agenda. As the Nazis swept across Europe, European nations surrendered leadership and government to the communists. This irresponsible and cowardly act of European national leaders led to what can be arguably seen as a “National Betrayal Epidemic.” Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives in prison rooms, in torture cells and in inhumane conditions to live in. More, still, lost their homes: their children, their spouses, their family heritage. Majority lost their right to self; the right to make personal choices without the spying eyes of the secret police and their agents. Worst of all, many lost their faith – the very essence of man’s soul. Without faith, man is lost on earth. Vast hordes of European adults, teenagers and children lost their right to choose what their faith was. It was a mental massacre all over Europe; but England chose a different course. And it was Churchill who was at the vantage.  England’s stand to defend her national identity and the future of her citizens was upheld and promoted by Churchill who went to war against Hitler even when the odds were against him. With military support coming later from America and Africa, England was victorious; but it all happened because a leader stood as a watchman over his nation and discharged his duties patriotically.

Reading this, you may not be a Prime Minister or a President of a nation but if you are the leader of a corporation, head over a family, dean of a faculty or facilitator of a non-profit or humanitarian cause, a lot relies on you. Your decision, indecision or wrong decision could writhe havoc that ravages everyone under your influence. Ezekiel Buzi on March 17, 585BC wrote,
“When an army comes against a country, the people of that land choose one of their own to be a watchman. When the watchman sees the enemy coming, he sounds the alarm to warn the people. Then if those who hear the alarm refuse to take action, it is their own fault if they die. They heard the alarm but ignored it, so the responsibility is theirs. If they had listened to the warning, they could have saved their lives. But if the watchman sees the enemy coming and doesn't sound the alarm to warn the people, he is responsible for their captivity. They will die in their sins, but I will hold the watchman responsible for their deaths.”

This is the heart of the matter: for his error, the people bear the havoc. Avoid the solo disaster syndrome.

To your effectiveness,

Adeleke David Adekunle

(Mr. Effectiveness)

DOZING ON DUTY: The beggar who missed out on the alm.

In a commercial ride to Agege, a woman delivered a repertoire of prayers contained mostly of pleas for money to feed. Momentarily, after about 25 minutes, her voice faded into silence. A few minutes later, when I had finally made up my mind to give her some money, I turned my head in her direction only to find her in dreamland! She was top-speed asleep. Even when there was some noise in the vehicle, she didn't twitch a muscle. When the bus ran through rough places, she maintained her state of comfort. Then I thought to myself, “No wonder she is poor. Why won’t she lack when she sleeps at the point of providence?” It took me TUGGING AT HER HAND FIVE TIMES BEFORE SHE SNAPPED OUT OF HER SLUMBER.

Many like the dozing beggar miss out on opportunity because they just didn't know when it came around town. There are three core reasons people miss out on what they seem to really desire: first is distraction; second is insensitivity; third is absence. Distraction by other things that are not what you actually want robs you of the desire of your heart. Insensitivity to the seasons and times of your life denies you of magnificent blessings and opportunities. Absence because you retired or threw in the towel keeps you on the spectator stands while you stand disqualified.

A lot of people actually really want certain things; in fact, they desire it so much that they cry and even pray to God in whom they have no faith. The unfortunate part is that when the desire shows up, they are either entirely absent, grossly distracted or highly insensitive to take delivery of it. Like the dozing beggar, most people are the way they are today, have the trend of negative experiences they are suffering from and live regrettable and dissatisfied lives just because they are asleep when their desire looked them in the eye. They are fast asleep! Such people are plagued by stagnation. In a sleeping state, you can receive nothing!

Don’t sleep on your desire; keep your eyes wide open. Stay awake long enough to receive what you seek when it is to be given to you. You are most vulnerable when you are asleep. Ask Saul Kish, the first king of ancient Israel.

To your effectiveness,

Adeleke David

Mr. Effectiveness