
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

DOZING ON DUTY: The beggar who missed out on the alm.

In a commercial ride to Agege, a woman delivered a repertoire of prayers contained mostly of pleas for money to feed. Momentarily, after about 25 minutes, her voice faded into silence. A few minutes later, when I had finally made up my mind to give her some money, I turned my head in her direction only to find her in dreamland! She was top-speed asleep. Even when there was some noise in the vehicle, she didn't twitch a muscle. When the bus ran through rough places, she maintained her state of comfort. Then I thought to myself, “No wonder she is poor. Why won’t she lack when she sleeps at the point of providence?” It took me TUGGING AT HER HAND FIVE TIMES BEFORE SHE SNAPPED OUT OF HER SLUMBER.

Many like the dozing beggar miss out on opportunity because they just didn't know when it came around town. There are three core reasons people miss out on what they seem to really desire: first is distraction; second is insensitivity; third is absence. Distraction by other things that are not what you actually want robs you of the desire of your heart. Insensitivity to the seasons and times of your life denies you of magnificent blessings and opportunities. Absence because you retired or threw in the towel keeps you on the spectator stands while you stand disqualified.

A lot of people actually really want certain things; in fact, they desire it so much that they cry and even pray to God in whom they have no faith. The unfortunate part is that when the desire shows up, they are either entirely absent, grossly distracted or highly insensitive to take delivery of it. Like the dozing beggar, most people are the way they are today, have the trend of negative experiences they are suffering from and live regrettable and dissatisfied lives just because they are asleep when their desire looked them in the eye. They are fast asleep! Such people are plagued by stagnation. In a sleeping state, you can receive nothing!

Don’t sleep on your desire; keep your eyes wide open. Stay awake long enough to receive what you seek when it is to be given to you. You are most vulnerable when you are asleep. Ask Saul Kish, the first king of ancient Israel.

To your effectiveness,

Adeleke David

Mr. Effectiveness 

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