
Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Thank God it’s Friday!

Friday is the best day of the week I have ever known in my life. It’s usually full of bustling activities and sparked with an atmosphere of fun and excitement. Friday is the day when the clubs bubble the most; the parties rock their best and the chics and guys dance all night long. The Me suya makes his hit sale on Friday and the bars sell into the very early hours of Saturday. There’s no work on Saturday so everyone can afford to paint the town red and black. Those who don’t go to club go to church for night vigils, and those who avoid both watch films late into the night. Friday just always comes with its own spirit; bubbling far beyond any other day of the week.

Since I was a kid, Friday has always been the beginning of my regular mini-holiday. I always look forward to Friday with great anticipation. When Friday morning came, it was always as though I had come to the day of enjoyment. I enjoyed that day in school all the time; I always did. On one part, school work was always on a low key. Sometimes not all the teachers came in for their periods. Even in my days in the university, Friday was as good as a lecture free day because if we ever had any lectures it was just one lecture and it was usually short. I bet you had similar experiences on Fridays too. My most memorable days were weekends. Yeah! I remember that Friday was sports and games day in primary school. How memorable it was filing out and having P.E for practically the whole day. We would run around the field, play football till we were bathed in dust and dirt, then we waited patiently for the driver to pick us up. Friday was a great day for me. I bet it was for you too.

The Friday philosophy that was entrenched into us from childhood is what many of us carried on into our adulthood. We have unconsciously slipped into a culture that celebrates Friday and bemoans Monday. Sunday morning is usually quite interesting but the moment we return from church, a sudden gloom settles on us like a dark cloud. We become so unhappy and worried because we are wondering why we have to go to work the next day. I have overhead someone ask himself, “Do I have to go to work tomorrow? Can’t I just stay at home and rest for once?” It is a worse experience for those who are lost in or tied to a job they have no flair and passion for. These people are the ones who tied themselves to the job in the first place and have stumbled into a state of helplessness. My friend Jimi Tewe calls it “Corporate Slavery.” Monday has become a source of worry and maybe hypertension for a lot of people. We are so bothered, annoyed or depressed by the idea of going to the office the next day.

That brings me to the multi-million dollar question on this matter: What does work really mean? You may not have thought about that before now, but it is a very important question to ponder on. It amazes me that millions are in the workplace without an idea of what work means or is. Many people are working without knowing why they are at work. It’s like trying to play a game without knowing what the rules are. All you find yourself doing is rolling the dice, counting spaces and feigning excitement over rules that you have serendipitously invented in your advent of playing the game. The worst part of it all is that you can never finish the game because you don’t even know how the game is played let alone how it is finished. When work on a daily basis becomes something you don’t do based on understanding you merely work away your time at work. Time at work without objectivity is time wrongly invested. If you consistently whine about Monday, you are probably in the wrong job or you lack sound understanding of what work really means.

Over the next few weeks, I will attempt to help clear the fog that makes your understanding of work hazy. I will begin first by showing you what work is not. After that we will find out exactly what work is. This is going to be a really great time of learning because you are going to get a new lease of insight into the timeless purpose of work. Join me next week for the first part of what work is not; till then celebrate Friday but please don’t whine on Sunday about Monday.

You are an Icon!

Order for Audio Premium Discovery Episodes by Adeleke David! Groundbreaking titles include Dare to Succeed, Developing Superb Work Habits, Midas Mind and Not just another CEO. Look out for Adeleke’s latest book: MIDAS MIND: 12 Inescapable Secrets for Attracting and creating your Heart Desires.

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