Have you seen people chicken out in the face of situations they ought to have ordinarily confronted? Or have you found yourself in such a situation before? Are you in the heat of a career transition or you just got a new job? Are you having difficulties with the competition in your workplace or industry? Are you fresh in the job market and are not even sure what to do anymore now that you have done all you were asked to do?
Whatever the situation you are in, you most likely need a heavy dose of courage!
In my new audio book, DARE TO SUCCEED, i share principles that will inspire courage within you. Chief among them are (1) Courage is a mental state, (2) Courage cannot be taught but can only be inspired, (3) Pseudo-courage is a state of false courage that can cause a humpty-dumpty fall.
Find out more in my audio book. Remember that the principles i shared are the most effective principles of courage ever discovered and the people who come across the most as courageous in various fields use these principles daily.
I want you to succeed as significantly and as swiftly as possible.
You are an Icon!
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