
Thursday, October 20, 2011


Every product is the brain child of its manufacturer. No product suddenly appears on the shelf; neither do products disappear like ghosts. Similarly, you are a product of God’s creativity. You did not fall from the sky like the terminator. You were created or manufactured by God.

We all know that no one knows a product better than its manufacturer, and no one can fix a product’s malfunction better than the manufacturer. You are best fixed on your manufacturer’s table. So how do you get yourself on the table? Prayer.

Some attempt to play neutral by employing pre-emptive tactics. I’m not the religious type; even if you consider yourself to be an atheist, you can’t deny the fact that you still owe yourself to a manufacturer – God. Prayer is not so much what it is portrayed as. In fact, it is one of the most commonly engaged forms of communication: a dialogue. Yes, a dialogue. An exchange of words, thoughts and feelings between two people. The uniqueness of prayer is that it is specially designed for God and you; not you and another human.

So when I say pray, I simply mean express your thoughts and feelings to God, your manufacturer, through words. I know of no greater listener; God listens to and monitors His over 6 billion products including you. He is by far the most excellent post-manufacture personality. Why should you deny yourself such grace? Teilhard de Chardin says, “We are spiritual beings having a human experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience.”

Prayer brings the spiritual to bear in the physical. God is spirit, yet he can and does operate in the physical since spiritual laws supersedes and suspend physical laws. Every time you pray, you secure spiritual intervention in your situation.

You need fixing? Want to get on the manufacturer’s table? Pray.

Bring It To Life
1.     Remind yourself how limited you are and how omnipotent God is. Your little problem is not any problem to him.
2.     Determine the areas where you need God’s help. Locate the places where you need fixing. Now, express how you feel about each of those points and what you need God to do for you. Be sincere and open about your prayer and watch how peace will flood your heart.

Key Points
1.     Prayer is a dialogue; an exchange of words, thoughts and feelings between you and God.
2.     Every time you pray, you secure spiritual intervention in your situation. 

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