
Monday, October 21, 2013


"Money is the most important thing in life; it surely us not
      the least important thing either."

      The subject of money has brewed a lot if controversy among
      different social and religious settings. But one thing is
      certain, money is an integral part if daily life. Truth be
      told, if you have handled and experienced money that is
      noteworthy or you have met crucial needs of yours or loved
      ones with money in your possession, you would speak in
      defense of money. Howbeit, money has been accorded a status
      undeserved, and that should be corrected.

      Of all things in life, money is one subject that resonates
      deep with people. It determines how we are perceived in
      social settings and how many options we can explore. Money
      limits your power to do good or raises it. The value or
      quantity in your possession labels you as rich or poor. In
      your hand or in your mind, you are how much money you can

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