
Friday, March 1, 2013


Dear reader, if you missed my FREE Special Gift in my last two posts on The 3 Laws of Exceptionality, you can still qualify for it by simply going back to my first and/ or second posts on The 3 Laws of Exceptionality and leave a comment below the post along with your e-mail address.

In this final post, we will draw the curtains on our series: The 3 Laws of Exceptionality. I really hope that our discourse has been worth your while and you have discovered exciting new ways to achieve exceptionality. Remember that you are born with that factor for exceptionality; all you are trying to do now is to express it full scale – if you have discovered what your exceptionality is. To discover this, I strongly recommend that you attend our live training program: EXCEPTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS Basic Certification Course OR order for our Private Training Program® on the same for just $129 (Standard Format: contains 4-hour Audio Training Pack, Hardcopy Training Workbook, Models, Charts and Tools in PDF. Other relevant materials are available for your choice with a Special 15% Discount Offer. Quote this code: PTP1025 when you call.) Please call +234 808 844 1154 or send us an email to

The Law of Loyalty
What or whom you treasure gets the most of your attention.

Loyalty is one of the core requirements for profitable followership. Leaders are essentially followers who have mastered the art of followership. Leaders never cease to be followers; they have only learnt and developed their capacity to lead others having a deep understanding of what followership entails. Loyalty is not bondage as some perceive it to be. Loyalty is not inconvenient, neither is it painful. Often times when people experience inconvenience and pain with regard to their loyalty to their leader, it is primarily because they never were loyal. They simply thought they were loyal. You know it is very possible to assume you know something very well only to realize your foolishness later on. Loyalty is a state of the heart not a principle you adopt. If your heart is not in that state, you cannot beat your chest proudly to say, “I am loyal.”
Loyalty should not be confused with trustworthiness. They are different and extremely dissimilar. You are trustworthy because of your values and principles. You are loyal because of the value you place on a thing or person. The higher the value, the deeper your loyalty. You can be trustworthy to a person yet not be loyal to the person. You cannot possibly experience pain or inconvenience doing what you cherish. It was Thomas Edison who quipped, “I never did a day’s work in my life. It was all fun!” And his words were confirmed by Confucius who said, “Choose work you love; and you will never have to work a day in your life.” There is recurrent theme in these two statements; it’s that you don’t encounter boredom and inconvenience doing what you love from your heart. Loyalty is a state of the heart, not an attitude nor a principle to adopt. If you truly love the person in question, your loyalty to the person will not be laden with inconvenience. For God’s sake, you love and treasure this person.

The flip side of this law is that some people have divided loyalties; and many have their loyalties in the wrongest of places. If you take a second look at what the Law of Loyalty states, you will find that there is a “What” as well as a “Whom”. Many people have their loyalty bestowed on money, some on fame, and others on power. Some have their loyalty bestowed on silly things like sex, events, clothes, physical possessions and the like. With loyalty placed wrongly, you have no guarantee of exceptionality. In fact, the guarantee of commonness far outweighs the probability of exceptionality. Loyalty should be to superiors and the really important people in our lives. If you ask me, I believe loyalty should first be to God; unquestionably. Then you must be loyal to your spouse. After your spouse come your mentors and leaders. Then your friends and family share the next spot. I believe that the Law of Loyalty is what Jesus Christ was teaching his listeners during his marathon mountain training session in Matthew 6:19–34. He was redirecting the loyalty of the people from what to whom, and you ought to do likewise.

These are not all you need to be exceptional in life, but I strongly believe they form the foundation for most of the other things. With these three laws, your motives are guided, your actions are informed with certainty, and you giving are intentionally done with rewards in expectation.

Your feedback and comments are invaluable; kindly leave one below.

You are an Icon!
Adeleke David (Mr. Effectiveness)

For a deeper and first-class experience of how to achieve exceptionality, attend our live 2-day training program: EXCEPTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS Basic Certification Course OR order for our Private Training Program® on the same for just $129 (Standard Format: contains 6-hour Audio Training Pack, Hardcopy Training Workbook, Models, Charts and Tools in PDF. Other relevant materials are available for your choice with a Special 15% Discount Offer. Quote this code: PTP1025 when you call.)
Please call +234 808 844 1154 or send us an email to
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