
Friday, December 21, 2012


*All prices are inclusive of VAT
*All events must be registered for at least 5 days to the event date.
*All events are scheduled to hold in Lagos, Nigeria. Other cities across the world will be updated.
 For further enquiries, please send an e-mail to: OR


*All prices are inclusive of VAT
*All training courses come with certificates
*All courses are scheduled to hold in Lagos, Nigeria. Other cities across the world will be updated.
 For further enquiries, please send an e-mail to: OR


Move. Adjust. Stir.

Just don’t stay in the same spot one moment longer.
If you believed that the world was going to end today, ushering in aliens from another planet into the earth, you surely are as disappointed as I am. I was really looking out for a glimpse of outer space. And like a psychopath said, I was looking forward to catching my alien pet too! lol.
Hey, wake up! The world won’t end just like that! Before you realize it, it will be 2013. You have a few days to do a few things that can make the New Year count for maximum good. I’m not talking about New Year resolutions, neither am I referring to New Year goals. This is my word to you: SHIFT!
Shift in these four directions:
1.       Shift from where you are. Don’t let the New Year catch you in the spot you currently occupy. Eleven days are enough to make some of progress. I know that the traditional practice by most people is to give up on the year once we are a few days to Christmas, but the truth remains that the year ends at 11:59:59 on December 31! Before you throw in the towel, let that moment arrive first. Give a few more shots; take a couple of extra attempts; try again. Whatever you do, ensure that you make progress – however little it may seem.
2.      Shift from what you’ve been doing. Doing the same thing guarantees the same results. Take a different approach. Adopt a practice you’ve hitherto neglected. Try something new. Make a shift in your habits; start forming new ones. You should know that habits can be formed and unformed. Stop what you have been doing that has brought you to where you are right now.
3.       Shift from how you have been thinking. Your thinking has attracted all that you see in your life today. If your experience will change in the coming year, then you must shift in your mind. Re-program your mind to conform to your dreams. Change your school of thought about your state of health, financial life and even your spirit.
4.      Shift from what you have been learning. You can never be more intelligent than the quality of your information sources. If your information sources are healthy, then you need to increase the quantity of what you learn. When you increase the quantity of what you learn, you need to be consistent in the art of learning. Who you learn from controls the outcome of your future. Take precaution in choosing what you read, who you listen to, and what you watch. Don’t forget that the power of the remote control is in the red button.

SHIFT...from where you are, from what you've been doing, from how you have been how you ought to be.

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